Giedrė Čistovienė
Currently, there are 1,240 public libraries in Lithuania. Nearly 1,000 of them are located in rural areas. In 2019 the library users rated the services provided by the libraries as very good (an average rating is 9.5 out of 10). As many as 93 percent of the users reported that they would definitely recommend their family members or friends to visit a library. The results of the survey clearly showed the changes that have taken place over the last decade and shed light on the value created by libraries. The users said that using internet in the library had a positive effect on their social life (facilitated communication with relatives among older respondents) and helped them acquire knowledge and skills that can be applied in professional or academic activities. 7.2 out of 10 Library visitors, in particularly those living in rural areas, reported that the library helped them deal with practical issues and develop their critical thinking. 8 percent of the respondents reported that the opportunity to use the library internet helped them find a job. The Lithuanian libraries have earned a very high level of trust among visitors, they are making real efforts to change and improve the quality of life of visitors, established themselves as strong community centers. There is one challenge left - to uphold the high level of services.