Gintarė Tautkevičienė & Ieva Cesevičiūtė
The role of academic libraries in supporting researchers is changing and expanding. In most cases libraries are the pioneers initiating and promoting activities related to open science and research data management (RDM). RDM, however, is a complex area involving roles and expertise that librarians have not traditionally engaged with. One of the most significant trends for libraries is to work with other departments in their institutions to support research data management.
Lithuanian academic libraries have been involved in different open access and open science related activities for more than a decade. Different initiatives have been implemented: stand-alone and series of training and awareness-raising events, promotion of open access and open science ideas so that institutions develop their open access policies and make their repositories compliant with larger research infrastructures. Our own experience shows that we were able to achieve our most significant results when the initiatives of open science are implemented as a result of joint effort of the Library, the department of Research, Doctoral School and others departments. In the presentation we aim to provide an overview of the efforts highlighting our major successes and failures on the way to best practice to research data management support both institutionally and on the national level.