Krista Lepik, PhD, Post-Doctoral Researcher at Lund University in Sweden. She is also working as a Lecturer in Information Sciences at the University of Tartu in Estonia. After defending her PhD thesis “Governmentality and Cultural Participation in Estonian Public Knowledge Institutions” in 2013, her research interests have evolved in two broad topics. Firstly, museum and library communication and engagement, and secondly, media and information literacy in various contexts: information culture of students, reception of false news, and information practices of information professionals in the context of the acceleration of social time. This presentation is completed partly on the basis of her post-doctoral research data collected from the Estonian librarians.
Ilmar Vaaro, University of Tartu, the Institute of Social Studies, Assistant in Information Sciences. He has been 30 years a teaching staff member, has taught more than 30 subjects, and supervised more than 90 graduation papers. He has participated in founding the Viljandi Culture College as a higher education institution and has developed several curriculums. He has been active outside academia as the Head of the Education Committee of Estonian Librarians Association, a member of several boards (including the Board of the National Library of Estonia). He has compiled, edited, or managed many books. One of his main research topics is the history and development of Estonian libraries. One thing is to reconstruct the past, but it is essential to observe our days’ orientations. COVID19 gives us a good possibility to do so.