Ilmārs Latkovskis
The video will focus on the unique experience of the National Library of Latvia in terms of offering new services – a Meditation room was opened at the library four years ago, and it has been constantly and increasingly in demand among visitors. In physical terms, the Meditation room has: 1) a specially equipped zone for mediation; 2) seats for audience members during a presentation, as well as additional places for meditation; 3) a contemplative literature section with a reading room. In terms of functions, the Mediation room is meant to: 1) ensure individual meditation and access to the reading room for every visitor and employee; 2) organise regular events with presentations, discussions and joint meditation sessions. In both areas, there has been a constant increase in interest. This innovation at the library has made it clear that various groups in Latvia are interested in contemplative issues which have been presented by major spiritual traditions. These are issues which focus on the true essence of a human being and his or her harmonic link with other people, nature and the universe. The Meditation room at the National Library of Latvia started as an experiment and without any particular expectations. During the subsequent years, however, there have been interesting discoveries which suggest that this area should be nurtured so as to sure individual and social growth in the context of the library’s mission.