Maira Kreislere, head of Data and Knowledge department in the Bibliography Institute of the National Library of Latvia. Master’s (2010) degree in Library and information Science (University of Latvia). More than 20 year’s work experience in library field, mostly with bibliographic and authority data. During the internship program in Yale University Sterling library, 2010 (K. Keggi grant), got first experience in RDA (Resource Description and Access) standard and data creation using this standard. Later closely involved in RDA implementation process in Library community in Latvia. Active member in EURIG (European RDA Interest Group), participate in EURIG Relationship Designator working group. Have great experience in methodical and training process following up RDA implementation strategy.
Vineta Ločmele holds a Master’s degree of Social Sciences in Library Sciences & Information from the University in Latvia. She has thirteen years professional experience in the field of library science, which began in the Collection Usage and Development Department at the Library of the University of Latvia. Since 2015 Vineta Ločmele has worked in the Metadata Department of the National Library of Latvia, currently as a metadata editor. The primary responsibilities of this position are editing and quality control of the bibliographic records for monographs entering the department, and analysing, by systematic selection of records, the Union Catalogue of Latvian scientific libraries of national significance for metadata processing errors and issuing summary reports of her findings.